Assessment Process
Follow these steps to arrange a comprehensive assessment
Getting an initial appointment
A GP referral is required before a full assessment can be scheduled.
Make an appointment with your regular GP practice and explain that you would like to be assessed to find out if you have ADHD and that you would like a referral to OzADHD for the assessment.
Your GP can email or fax the referral to us.
OzADHD will email you in about 10 – 14 working days with instructions, detailed costs and some online forms to complete to begin the process
Patient Intake Form - your GP or Pharmacist will be able to assist with your current medication list
Patient lifestyle form.
You will receive the following questionnaires to complete and return via email to
Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA) – one copy for yourself and one for a relative
Autism Screening Questionnaire
Mood Assessment Questionnaire – for some patients
When you have completed and returned all documentation, we will schedule an appointment and email you.
check your spam folder if you think you should have received an email and cannot find it
confirm your attendance or ask for a different date/time within 48 hours of receiving the email
Most patients with adult ADHD shy away from paperwork and procrastinate regarding this step!
However, to make an appointment we need you to fill in all paperwork – even if it doesn’t seem relevant.​
Email us if you need help and we will call you back.
Your online appointment
Appointments can be held from any quiet location using a mobile phone, tablet or iPad or via your computer
Detailed instructions on how to link in/log on for your appointment will be emailed to you
An email reminder will be sent to you two working days prior to your appointment
Your initial appointment will take about 45 minutes
If you are not in the ‘waiting room’ prior to your appointment the psychiatrist will call you from a ‘no caller id’ number. Please answer!
After your online assessment appointment
After your assessment is completed, a comprehensive report will be sent to your GP for discussion. We suggest booking an appointment to see your GP 14 days after your appointment with Dr Lakicevic. Your GP will discuss the assessment report's findings and recommendations at this time.
Before OzADHD can make your treatment appointment, your GP will complete some medical tests. These are to determine if there are any health concerns that may affect the ADHD medications or cause the medications to be harmful to you.
If medication is recommended for your ADHD treatment, and
your GP is not authorised to initial S8 medication prescribe. Your GP will need to refer you back to our OzADHD treatment psychiatrist to commence treatment. This is a Medicare requirement.
your GP is authorised to prescribe they will advise you when you need a medication review with OzADHD.
​If medication is not recommended your GP will advise you accordingly.