Our Services
ADHD management
OzADHD offers a range of management options for patients diagnosed with ADHD in Australia, including:
Adults being diagnosed for the first time
Patients who were diagnosed and treated before age 17 and now need to transition to an adult psychiatrist
Adults currently treated for ADHD who wish to explore new or different treatment options
In all cases, our Consultant Psychiatrists, Dr Vincent Leow and Dr Ivan Lakicevic provide thorough assessment and treatment. They ensure that prescribed medications and ADHD psychosocial interventions are appropriate to each patient. Ongoing communication with patients and their GPs is central to positive patient outcomes.
What we don't do
OzADHD is not able to provide the following services.
Bulk billing.
NDIS and Centrelink assessments
Workcover assessments
Telepsychiatry services to Western Australian residents due to current legislation
Best Interest of the Child assessments
Return to work/school
ADHD diagnosis
As practicing psychiatrists with over 30 years of experience and an interest in treating Adult ADHD, we believe our service pathway offers the most comprehensive diagnostic assessment and treatment combination.
Our guiding principles are patient-entered collaboration and internationally accepted best practice guidelines.
Things you need to know
A diagnosis of ADHD is not guaranteed
Medication is not a silver bullet – talk to us about other treatment options
Not all referrals will result in a telehealth consultation. We will let you and your GP know if this applies to you.
Patients will be required to sign a service agreement prior to beginning services. The service agreement explains the consent and confidentiality aspects of management or treatment and is a medical legal requirement.