Information for GPs
OzADHD provides ongoing support for patient and GP in a shared-care model with the GP being a central figure in the management plan.
Any patient in treatment MUST have a regular GP who will agree to regular appointments with the patient to progress and provide basic medical monitoring. This ensures that patients are managed safely and achieves the best outcome as well as increasing the likelihood of a GP taking over prescribing. We are happy to talk to you about this if required.
Our consultant psychiatrists conduct comprehensive diagnostic assessments as required by the Ministry of Health. On request, we also offer medication initiation, review and the on going prescribing of medication.
We do not treat pain disorders or prescribe opiates or other medications used to treat pain. Dr Leow and Dr Lakicevic do not function as independent medical assessors and do not perform the following assessments:
Best Interest of the Child
Return to work/school
Centrelink and disability insurance assessments
Not all referrals will result in a telehealth consultation. There may be instances where a face to face session is in the patient’s best interest. We will advise you if this is the case for your patient.
We are not a bulk billing practice. Psychiatrists who will bulk bill
Quick referral info
Email referral letters to
Fax referrals to +61 2 9182 5462
We need both an email address and phone number for the patient before we can progress the referral.